When it comes to your children, should everyone be treated equally?
Sometimes parents have a difficult choice to make when writing a will.One child may be financially successful and secure.Another child could have a low paying public service job.There may be a child with special needs or a child who is unable to manage finances responsibly.While there may be good reasons to differentiate between children, unequal allocations of an estate can strain sibling relationships and create unintended ill will in the surviving family.
So, what is fair?
Family dynamics differ.The amount of assistance provided to children during life time maybe unequal.The amount of care provided by one child for an aging parent can further complicate the challenge.
So, what is fair?
Have you considered meeting with your children to explain your wishes and obtain agreement or, at least, understanding? Unless you have discussed with your children any unequal distributions, I highly recommend equal distribution under your will.